Field Journal: Staying Mentally Fit

As seen in the Tried & True Fall 2024 issue

Staying mentally strong isn’t just for desk jockeys or puzzle lovers. When you’re out in the field, keeping your mind tough is just as important as staying physically fit. Here’s how you can keep your head in the game:

1.  Challenge Your Brain

Keep your mind active. Read something new, try a puzzle or learn a new skill. It’s like taking your brain to the gym—keeps it sharp and ready for anything.

2. Take a Breather

Stress is a beast. Don’t let it get the better of you. Find a way to unwind that works for you–could be a quick walk, blasting your favorite tunes or just sitting quietly for a few. It’s not about mindlessly checking out; it’s about recharging.

3. Talk It Out

Got something on your mind? Don’t bottle it up. Chat with a friend, a colleague or someone you trust. Sometimes just talking things through can clear the fog and take a load off your shoulders.

4. Stay Positive

Yeah, easier said than done, but try to focus on the good stuff. A positive mindset doesn’t just make you feel better; it makes you stronger against the curveballs life throws your way.

5. Get Moving

Physical fitness goes hand in hand with mental fitness. A quick workout, a run or even just a brisk walk can do wonders for your mental state.

Remember, keeping your mind fit isn’t about being the sharpest knife in the drawer. It’s about staying resilient, managing the stress and keeping a healthy perspective.